Fixed Fee Probate2024-02-08T14:12:09+00:00

Fixed Fee Probate

If you are concerned by the cost of Probate you may benefit from our fixed fee Probate service.

For some smaller simple estates, you may find a fixed fee approach more cost-effective. One of the biggest concerns people often have when undertaking Probate is the cost.

Traditionally solicitors would charge for Probate by the hour. For smaller simple estates this could result in paying more than you needed to. If you don’t mind doing some of the leg work, Attwells Solicitors has a great hybrid approach.

Our fixed fee Probate required you to provide details of the assets and any debts of the Estate. For our part, we’ll complete all the technical legal aspects, such we the Probate form and the IHT form. This is in addition to obtaining the Grant of Probate for you.

Once you have the Grant of Probate you will then be able to sell any property. Typically, due to the estate being small, this will be the former home. Our Conveyancing Team will be able to support you with this and come highly recommended.

You will also be able to collect any money, such as money from a savings or bank account, and pay the beneficiaries as per the Will.

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Attwells are conveyancing solicitors

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How much does Fixed Fee Probate cost?

Simple Estate

ÂŁ95000plus VAT at 20%
  • Liaising with you as to the information required to complete the form
  • The relevant IHT forms or relevant probate forms
  • Applying for the Grant of Probate
  • Providing you with the Grant to enable you to administer the Estate

More Complex Estate

ÂŁ150000plus VAT at 20%
  • Liaising with you as to the information required to complete the form
  • The relevant IHT forms or relevant probate forms
  • Applying for the Grant of Probate
  • Providing you with the Grant to enable you to administer the Estate


  • ÂŁ273 for the probate fee
  • ÂŁ1.50 for each copy of the Grant
  • ÂŁ20 for title check per check

Additional fees

  • ÂŁ25 for bankruptcy and ID checks per beneficiary
  • ÂŁ40 for money transfer per money transfer.

We will ask you to obtain valuations for the assets of the estate. If professional valuations are needed, the professionals may make a charge for providing you with a probate valuation. We also have an additional fee scale for Probate you may wish to refer to.

Disbursements are payable before we incur the cost. All prices are plus VAT at 20%.

What is excluded in a Fixed Fee Probate service?

  • Calculating and paying IHT or any administration period taxes
  • Foreign assets or domiciled persons
  • Claims against the Estate
  • Disputes over the Will
  • Intestate Estates (where there is no Will)
  • Capacity issues
  • Variations to the Will if required
  • Administering the Estate
  • Tax advice
  • Legal advice outside of the service requested
Receive a Fixed Fee Probate

Who will be doing my work?

Probate form glossary

  • IHT400 is a more detailed form to replace the IHT205 quoted for

  • IHT402 is needed to claim a transferable Nil Rate Band from the deceased spouse.

  • IHT435 is needed to claim the Residential Nil Rate Band.

  • IHT436 is needed to claim the transferable Residential Nil Rate Band from deceased spouse.

  • Deed of Variation is a deed to alter the terms of the Will which may be beneficial for tax or practical reasons.

  • Deed of Renunciation is where the executor named in the Will or by the rules of intestacy does not wish to act.

  • Assent is need to Change Ownership of property title.

  • Interpretation of Will – Sometimes required by executors may require advice on their obligations under the Will.

Will & Estate Disputes

Contentious probate is a legal term given to probate disputes. It refers to any disputes about a person’s will or the administration of the estate.

Losing a loved one is heartbreaking enough, but if you suspect problems with their will, trust, or how their estate is being handled can compound your grief.

If you feel that there is an issue with a loved one’s will or how their estate is being managed please contact our contentious probate specialist Edward Powells on 01206 239755.

Personal Law Articles

We have taken the time to explain different parts of the legal process and to offer practical advice.  A lot of our articles have been written based on the personal experience of our solicitors, support staff, and clients. We hope you find the information useful.

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