Today I am joined by Nathan and Dave from Suffolk Building Society and in today’s episode, we’re going to discuss how to save for your first mortgage deposit.   

So tell me a bit about Suffolk Building Society. 0:21 seconds

How can people know if they can realistically afford to buy their first home and what’s the first thing that they should do? 1 minute, 5 seconds

In your opinion is there a best type of savings account for first-time buyers? 2 minutes, 5 seconds

What’s the minimum amount that you need to save for a house as a first-time buyer? 3 minutes, 29 seconds

What are your top tips for saving for a deposit quickly? 4 minutes, 27 seconds

Do you have any advice for people who are single and saving for a deposit? 5 minutes, 32 seconds

What other costs should people factor into their savings plan do you think? 6 minutes, 5 seconds

How much do people save for the additional costs? 6 minutes, 56 seconds 

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