What is the average price for a first home in 2023? 0:22 seconds

What are the current trends for the housing market for first-time buyers at the moment? 0:55 seconds

What advice would you give to first-time buyers looking to navigate the current property market in 2023? 2 minutes,16 seconds

Are there any legal or regulatory changes that first-time buyers should be made aware of? 4 minutes, 5 seconds

Are there any government schemes or incentives this year that are different from other years that are available for first-time buyers? 5 minutes, 28 seconds

What should first-time buyers look out for in a property viewing? 7:15 minutes

What is stamp duty and how much does a first-time buyer have to pay in 2023? 11 minutes, 9 seconds

Can you provide any insights into the negotiation process involved in buying a property or putting an offer on a property?

Is there anything a first-time buyer can do to make sure they’re negotiating well? 12 minutes, 12 seconds

Are there any extra costs first-time buyers should account for in 2023? 18 minutes, 17 seconds