Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economy, and cultivating a positive working environment is crucial for their success. Supporting employees not only contributes to their well-being but also enhances productivity and overall business performance. In this blog, we’ll explore 5 cost-effective ways that SMEs can create a healthy workplace and show their support to their employees.

  1. Flexible working hours:

It depends on what sector you are in and the nature of your work, but if it is possible, employers should allow employees to choose flexible working hours. This is a great idea as it means that your employees could benefit from a better work-life balance and may even help morale and boost productivity.

  1. Casual dress code:

Again, depending on which sector you are in, it can be a good idea to implement a slightly more relaxed dress code. This can make your employees feel like they can come to work as themselves and be authentic, which can in turn, boost productivity.

  1. Offer Free Sanitary products:

For female employees, you can demonstrate a commitment to gender inclusivity and employee well-being by providing free sanitary products in workplace restrooms

  1. Look into wellness:

Employee morale can always be improved, especially during the long winter months. You can organise low-cost wellness challenges within the workplace such as mindfulness activities, group virtual yoga sessions, step challenges or even offering complimentary fruit in staff areas.

  1. Training and Skill Development:

Leverage free or low-cost online resources for employee training and skill development. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, MBL or even YouTube offer a wealth of educational content.

If you are an employer or SME owner who would like to learn more about this, please contact our specialist Head of Employment Law Lloyd Clarke at

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